Automation, a curse or a blessing?

Dr. D.B.B. Rijsenbrij

Preface previous articlenext article

This web-site contains a philosophical discussion of the role of automation in modern society.

The chapters ‘Introduction’ and ‘History’ provide an outline of the issue to date. The chapters ‘The computer pull’, ‘The computer on the road to Self-knowledge’ and ‘Beauty in automation’ shed a light on several aspects that give a more practical meaning to the words curse and blessing. The chapter entitled ‘Where are we now?’ gives an evaluation of the present situation. The chapters ‘Where will this lead?’ and ‘Conclusion’ explore future opportunities and threats.

In the appendices A and B, a software-oriented bibliography and a more contemplative one are given. Appendix C describes the ideal profile of the discipline of Business Information Science. Appendix D contains a few comments concerning the interpretation of the job of professor.

I studied theoretical physics between 1965 and 1975, finishing with a dissertation, which required a great deal of computer effort. My warm interest in information technology becomes clear from the fact that I already included three theses1) concerning the use of computers.

This professorship may be regarded as the jewel in the crown of my scientific activities, activities in a somewhat different field than the discipline of theoretical physics with which I left the Vrije Universiteit in 1975. I therefore felt the need to express my new, more matured ideas about computers and automation in appendix E.

By the way, since as of the start of this academic year, the obligation to formulate theses with an academic dissertation was given up also at the Vrije Universiteit, it would be a good idea to recommend it for inaugural addresses. It is a good way for professors to communicate their opinions to the public in an explicit and concise manner.

previous articlenext article
website: Daan Rijsenbrij